Monday, 30 September 2013

Questionnaire Results

These are the questionnaire results taken from survey monkey, where i asked multiple questions targeted at my audience, in order to develop an understanding on what my audience sees as a suitable magazine they would buy. 

In this question, I asked ‘what is your favourite music genre’ and the most answered was ‘R & B’ and ‘indie’, which then tells me that out of all of these genres, these two was everyone’s favourite therefore giving me two choices for the genre of my magazine.

In this question, I asked ‘do you buy CD albums’ and ‘no’ was the most answered therefore telling me that I shouldn’t include a lot of album reviews.

In this question, I asked ‘do you follow any music celebrities on social networks’ and ‘yes’ was the most answered therefore telling me that I should advertise and include celebrities’ social networks in my magazine. 

In this question, I asked ‘how do you normally discover new music’, and ‘internet’ was the most answered, which then tells me that I should have an online magazine, so that people can be kept updated with new music through my magazine.

In this question, I asked ‘do you like reading articles/interviews about your favourite artist/band’ and ‘yes’ was the most answered telling me that I should include interviews and articles about artists/bands.

In this question, I asked ‘how many festivals/concerts have you attended in the past’ and the ‘1-5’ was the most answered which then tells me that I should keep the audience updated on any new festivals/concerts that are happening. 

In this question, I asked ‘what do you find to be the main factor in deciding whether you like an artist/band or not’ and ‘lyric style/rhythm’ was the most answered therefore giving me an advantage in advertising the artist/band as I would include a quote from their song to attract the audience. 

In this question, I asked ‘how many hours do you spend listening to music per day’ and ‘5+’ was the most answered which then tells me that I should include a playlist on my online magazine so that they can listen to music while browsing. 

In this question, I asked ‘if you saw a magazine in the shop, what would convince you to buy it’ and the ‘central image’ was the most answered this then tells me that I should focus on the central image and make sure it is eye catching to attract  the audience. 

In this question, ‘I asked how much would you be willing to pay for a monthly magazine’ and ‘£2-£2.50’ which then tells me what price I should sell my magazine at. 

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