Tuesday, 24 September 2013

Analysing double page spread

This is an analysis of Q's double page article, including the mise-en-scene and conventions.

The choice of band featured in the article suggests that the target audience would be both genders over 25 years old as the band The Kings of Leon’s music genre is rock so therefore appealing to both genders, also due to being around for so long they have developed a big fan base.

The type of language that is used in the article would be formal, it is written in a narrative way so a person is telling their story, with some quotes here and there from the band. ‘The kings of Leon singer flew into Nashville from New York yesterday’- by having a story told from third person’s point of view gives an advantage for the article as it will give the whole story for each of the band member, instead of from just one member. It will also engage more readers as they would find it more interesting to read. It also has some funny quotes to keep the story interesting and humorous so the readers are entertained- ‘it means you’ve been smoking weed before bed again’.

The colour scheme is the same as the cover page and contents which shows there is a house style. The colour black is used for the main text and the red is used for the little information on the side or a caption for a photo, and the white is the background. The colours make it very clear and easy to read as it contrasts well with each other. The text is also the same on the front cover; the bold fonts are used in both, which makes it eye catching.
The style of text is quite small like a newspaper print; for the article but it is very clear to read. For the quotes, the text is big and bold to attract readers, as they would automatically see the quote which is featured in the article, therefore wanting to read more.

The double page spread is laid out in a very simple way with the text placed out in two columns and a large image on the right hand side as well as a little image on the bottom left hand corner which relates to the article. There are captions for each picture which explains who is who and any other information. The amount of text and images are quite even, which makes it look balanced out so that readers can get the best of both.

The sort of tone that the magazine is using when addressing the reader is an informed intelligent fan, as the person who wrote this article it telling the audience what has been happening behind the scenes of the band’s life and what they have been doing while on hiatus. The tone could also be as a close friend as a lot of facts and secrets are revealed in the article as well as a lot private things that are only kept within the band are discovered therefore the tone would be a close friend as you would only reveal these type of things to a close friend.

Through the images the band is being represented as a very close and intimate band, which is shown through the image as there are all close to each other with their arms around one another. They look very calm and relaxed which shows how friendly there are with one another, which then shows that they must be nice guys to hang around with. Also because they are family, there bond is really reflected in this photo.

The article does not demand ant prior knowledge when reading the article, as it goes straight into talking about the band, and readers would understand it automatically. ‘The Kings of Leon singer’- this therefore identifies who they are talking about so that the readers who don’t know would now know they are talking about the singer of the band. It also gives background information about the band members that readers may or may not have already known for example ‘his wife, the model Lily Aldridge, and one-year-old baby Dixie Pearl’- this then makes it more interesting to read if there is more background information involved as it makes readers want to know more. ‘Back in November 2011, when the needle hit the red and Kings of Leon announced they would be going on a hiatus for six months’- This gives the specific date and what happened, therefore informing readers who didn’t know.  

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